Amaya Lopez-Carromero
Main Research Areas: Experimental validation, Brass wind Acoustics, Musical Acoustics
Contact Details: Amaya Lopez-Carromero, Room 1608, James Clerk Maxwell Building, King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, EH9 3JZ
PhD thesis abstract
Experimental validation of fast time domain models for lip-excited musical instruments
Lip excited instruments have been extensively studied in the last years, both theoretically and experimentally. Nevertheless, some of the intricacies involved in the sound production process require further developing and experimental validation to aid in their understanding and modelling. Non-linear phenomena such as wave steepening in the resonator, acoustically relevant effects taking place in playing gestures, as well as some lip reed behaviours, are some examples of phenomena that have not been fully understood yet and are yet to be implemented in models. This PhD project aims at producing experimental data which aids in generating new and more exact models for brass wind instruments.
Graduating in 2009 as a Civil Engineer at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (ETSICCP), in Spain and after working for a couple of years, my interest for acoustics and the nature of sound made me start an MSc in Environmental and Building Acoustics at the same university in Madrid. I finished these studies two years later as an Erasmus student, at ISVR in the University of Southampton, where I studied structural vibrations, vibration control, and developed my final year project.
In March 2014 I was selected as a successful candidate for the BATWOMAN ITN Project, a Marie Skłodowska-Curie action funded by the European Union, thanks to which I became an Early Stage Researcher and started my PhD studies.