Dr Alec Wright
Main Research Areas: Audio Effects Processing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
Contact Details
Dr Alec Wright
t: +44 (0)131 650
e: alec.wright@ed.ac.uk
Alec Wright is a Chancellor’s Fellow in Audio Machine Learning at the University of Edinburgh, where he researches applications of machine learning to musical audio signal processing and synthesis. He completed his MSc in Acoustics and Music Technology in 2018 at the University of Edinburgh, UK, and his DSc in 2023 at the Aalto Acoustics Laboratory, Aalto University, Finland. His doctoral work focussed on modelling audio effects processing using neural networks, with a special interest in creating highly realistic real-time emulations of guitar amplifiers from data.
Research Interests (including for PhD supervision)
Audio Effects Processing, Machine Learning, Neural Networks
For a full list of publications, see his PURE profile on Edinburgh Research Explorer.