Dr Michael J Newton

Main Research Areas: Acoustic sensor design and fabrication, musical acoustics, machine learning for audio and acoustics applications. 

Contact Details

Dr Michael J Newton
t: +44 (0)131 650 5865
e: mike.newton@ed.ac.uk
web: https://selfnoise.co.uk/


Michael J Newton gained his BSc in Physics from the University of Edinburgh in 2004. Having specialised in musical acoustics at Honours level, he went on to study for a PhD under the supervision of Prof. Murray Campbell, graduating in 2009. From 2010 until early 2012 he worked on an EPSRC-funded project as Postdoctoral Research Assistant, based in Computing Science at the University of Stirling, UK. He rejoined the Musical Acoustics Group at Edinburgh in February 2012 as lecturer, based in the School of Music. His main role now is as organiser of the MSc in Acoustics and Music Technology, though he remains attached to the afformentioned EPSRC project as associate researcher.

Research Interests

See my personal website here: https://selfnoise.co.uk/


A full list of publications is available on the PURE system.


Mike is responsible for a number of Masters and Undergraduate level courses within the School of Music. These, together with other courses taught by the Acoustics and Audio Group, are available over on the Teaching pages.